
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2017

5w - Thursday- Friday - Saturday

Tursday Did the training from wednesday amrap 10min 3bmu 7ttb 40du got 6rounds + 3bmu+7ttb bmu easy until 4rounds, then i dont know missed, ttb became hard to do Friday only did 1min row rest 30sec (pace avg 1:56) x 10 i have a accident in my feet- if you want i can do onky UB and some rows if you want change something

5w - 22/11 - wednesday

SN x7 x5 x3 x1 BS x10 x8 x6 x15 Skill 10 rmu 10 bmu 25t2b did 10 rmu and bmu this way 3 reps rest 30sec 2reps x 2 anaerobic day row 1min rest 5min x5 calories 31/28/26/26/25  s/m avg 40 lack of sh6oulder (left) for pull

4w day 15wed to 21 tuesday

travel so most weight work i dont do. some runnings , pullups strict alot

4W - Monday

Bw: 81.7kg  i gonna travel so i will mix , and left aerobic/anaerobic workouts  most in Rower and  sub to run in travel today SNcomplex 2x  58% low hang sn high hang sn snatch 2 ohs BS 55%  x10 60%  x8 65% x6 50% x15 SKill 5x emom  3reps  muscleups 5x emom 4reps hspu strict workout emom 12min 5burpees 30 du

3w saturday- 11/11

A) DL - not TNg 50% x12 55% x10 60% x8 B) amrap 10min - not so good too ( ) 40du 1 round DT 3 ring mu note? posteior chain still sore - i dont know wh6y i did dropping DL - first time i did this. arms little tired for oh too C) Skill - i forgot - gonna do tomorrow acessories - ok!

3w - Friday

A. CeJ 50 % x9 55% x7 60% x5 65% x3 B) MAx 10 calories bike posterior ch6ain sore 144 cal not good ( last time 150cal in 9`ish ) C) skill 20h6spu/20 ctb strict hspu deficit 10reps emom 1 e 2 reps than w/o deficit

3 w- wed - 8/11

Dont sleep too weel , my th6rowth a little sick. Legs still sore Bw: 81,9 today i change my macros ( ) 4030kcal 450carbs 220ptn 150fat AM. (10 - ó clock) 7km row -  i did go for 10k , but my ass , and arms in the begging is a issue PM (15h) warmup done Push Press 53% x 10 58%x 8 press 5 3% +/-   x12 62% +/-  x 10 wod ( ) 4rds 30 alt DB SN 7 bar mu 12:07 Skill - Did not 50pistols 50ft h6s walk

3w - tuesday - 11/07/17

Bw: 81,6kg Legs very sore from yesterday warm-up - done skill - 15mu / 30 t2b MU - emom 3 reps t2b  12/12/6* back squat 50% x12 55%  x10 60 % x8 wod -anaerobic day 5rds 1min row  5min rest SUB to Bike today  Rpm 75 for all , really hrd last 20sec

3w - Monday 11/07

AM (10-11:00) 10k row easy pace PM WARMUP SNATCH 50 %x9 56* x7 58% x5 64% x3 WOD - amrap 14min - shoulders BURN - legs ok , cardio ok 40wb 20 s2oh (95lbs) 267reps SKILL 20hspu strict 20 ctb strict hspu - max reps rest 1min 8/6/4/3 ctb set of 5

2 w - saturday

only workou from friday 8 rds 30sec on 2:30 rest sub row to run in uphill

2º W - Friday 3/11/17

Warmup - DONE CeJ  45% x 9  50% x 7  55% x 5  55% x 3 WOD - Changed friday to saturday - maybe cant training tomorrow 3RDS FT: 20 SQ SN ( 75) 20 WB 7:01"  ( ) - dindt do any warmup this time - feel right leg and lowerback on the right side SKill 20 HSPU Did EMOM 3reps.3..3.,,,,,then 2 Acessories Thruster becnhpress barbell row

2º W - Wed. 01/11/17

Noon - 13 P.M Warmup - Done Push press 50% x 10reps  55 x 8 reps Bench press 50% x 10 55 x 10 reps AMRAP 12min 5MU 10 thruster ( 75lbs) 15 Burpees face bar 4Rds + 2 MU Night 18?40- PM Row 10k  ( ) - My HR is from garmin fenix5 wrist so i think its not very accurate for fast change or not too close of my wrist , probably this why the peak + 15Min airbike rpm avg 53

2º W - Tuesday - 31/10/17

Warmup - Done Back Squat 44% x 12 reps 50% x 10 reps 53% x 8 reps Skill 15 Ring MU  - did Emom E: 2MU O: 1 Strcit MU 30 T2b - Did after rower 2 sets of 15 Max Aerobic Power ( ) Rower 30Sec  ON 30sec OFF x 12